๐Ÿš€ Mastering JavaScript Numbers and Math Functions: A Quick Guide


1 min read

๐Ÿš€ Mastering JavaScript Numbers and Math Functions: A Quick Guide

1.Number Types and Conversions:

const score = 300

const balance = new Number(400)


Here, we're dealing with both primitive numbers and Number objects. The toString() method helps us convert a number into a string, allowing us to leverage string properties on what was originally a number.

2.Decimal Points and Precision:

const otherNumber = 344.89595;

The toFixed method is a handy tool for controlling the number of decimal places, while toPrecision allows us to specify the total number of digits.

3.Readability with Locale Methods:

const hundred = 1000000
console.log(hundred.toLocaleString());  // Standard comma separation
console.log(hundred.toLocaleString('en-IN'));  // Indian numbering system

Enhance the readability of large numbers by using toLocaleString. You can customize the formatting based on locale, making it more accessible to diverse audiences.

4.Math Functions:

console.log(Math.abs(-4));      // Absolute value
console.log(Math.round(4.6));   // Round to the nearest integer
console.log(Math.ceil(5.2));    // Round up to the nearest integer
console.log(Math.floor(5.9));   // Round down to the nearest integer
console.log(Math.min(3,4,8,1,9));  // Find the minimum value
console.log(Math.max(4,6,1,8,9,10)); // Find the maximum value
console.log(Math.random());     // Generate a random number between 0 and 1

JavaScript's Math object provides a variety of functions for common mathematical operations. Whether you need absolute values, rounding, or finding the minimum and maximum values in a set, Math has got you covered.
